
The following is a list of contributors who directly worked with the Saving Wallden pinball table

Team Super Tilted

These individuals contributed towards the development of Saving Wallden on behalf of Team Super Tilted:

Name Avatar Contributions Links
Arelyel Krele Image

Project Leader




Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers.


ArelyelKrele - Virtual Pinball Universe


Voice Actor - Dave the (Russian) Royal Trainer

Smaug Image

Voice Actor - Blacksmith

Vpin Hub - Virtual Pinball Community


Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers.


supergibson Image

Flipper Art

Tilted Illusions

Table physics fixes

VPin Workshop Team

These individuals contributed towards the development of Saving Wallden on behalf of the VPin Workshop (up to version 0.2 alpha):

Name Avatar Contributions Links

Initial Table Layout


Light State Controller development

VPin Workshop Team Image

Various feedback, ideas, suggestions, and assistance

Provided a pinball standard that Saving Wallden and may other tables adopted

Scorbit Team 

These individuals contributed towards Saving Wallden on behalf of Scorbit.

Name Avatar Contributions Links
Scorbit Team Image

Saving Wallden was a test subject for the VPin SDK 2.0 update

Saving Wallden was involved in a few bug fixes for the Scorbit app


These individuals contributed to Saving Wallden on behalf of themselves rather than as part of any team or organization:


Name Avatar Contributions Links

VPX Standalone compatibility


Voice Actor - British Game-play Narrator


Assisted with 3D models and polygon smashing

Bug Hunters

These individuals did not work directly with the table but were involved in testing and bug reporting:
  • PinStratsDan (VPin Workshop)
  • Apophis (VPin Workshop)
  • bennaboo (VPin Workshop)
  • oqqsan (VPin Workshop)
  • Wylte (VPin Workshop)
  • iaakki (VPin Workshop)
  • bietekwiet (VPin Workshop)

Become a Contributor

Your talents are requested and welcomed! If you would like to join the project, please let me know by clicking "Support" on the menu and using one of the listed options.

I am especially looking for the following at this time:

  • Voice actors
  • Artists (to replace my temporary mostly AI-generated art)
  • Those with experience fine-tuning VPX table layouts, graphics, and 3D models

Contributors are rewarded as a thank-you for their contributions in the following ways:

  • Credit on the website and in the game script / info, including social media links
  • Those who directly contribute to the development of the table also have access to more frequent alpha versions which are not available for public download


The development of Saving Wallden resulted in the following contributions back to the virtual pinball community:

  • Several new VBScript classes for use in other tables
    • vpwClocks - Managing recurring clocks / timers with pause and canExpire support and callbacks
    • vpwConstants - A crude way to support "constants" that have non-literal types (such as Arrays)
    • vpwData - A tool where you can write a schema for persistent data in the VP Registry, and will help easily sync data to/from it
    • vpwMusic - A wrapper for vpwTracks to allow management of music (also helps prevent multiple music tracks from playing at the same time, and supports crossfading)
    • vpwQueue - An advanced queuing system with support for priorities, preDelays, postDelays, async preQueueDelays, time to live, and much more
    • vpwTracks - A manager for sounds which adds support for dynamically changing properties over time (volume, pitch, front/rear fade, and pan)
    • vpwJPDMDGenerator - This is actually a Python script but it helps generate an image for each ASCII character in the font of your choice for use in JPSalas DMD
  • Bug fixes and features in Visual Pinball X
  • Numerous bug fixes for Flux's Light State Controller
  • Bug fixes and enhancements for the Scorbit VPin SDK and the Scorbit mobile app


The following is a list of attributions for Creative Commons and originally-created media / assets used in the Saving Wallden table:


As of now, all music in Saving Wallden was made by Arelyel Krele in MAGIX Music Maker.

Sound Effects

Mechanical sounds - Fleep


  • Initialization test tone -
  • Various UI selection -
  • Invalid Action -
  • Ball ejection warning -
  • Ball Search Activated -
  • Warning -
  • Nudged too hard buzzer -
  • Loud Attention Tones -
Display Sequences
  • Rock slide -
  • Impact (used with rock slide) -
  • Evil laugh -
  • Mystified damage penalty suspense:
General Sound Effects
  • Bumper -
  • TRAIN Standup target hit -
  • Slingshot:
  • Bonus X:
    • Letter:
    • Completed:
  • Healing -
  • Drip (losing 1 HP) -
  • Powerup Collected -
  • Death Save:
    • Heart Beat -
    • Strike Buzzer -
    • Fail laughter -
    • Fail Tune -
    • Screams -
    • ECG -
  • Blacksmith spelled -
  • Blacksmith Boss Battle Intro:
    • Tension -
    • Thunder Clap -
  • Blacksmith mini-wizard (Raid the Blacksmith):
    • Air Raid (Intro) -
  • Glitch mini-wizard glitches:
  • Death Save Action Button Pressed during instructions -
  • End-of-mode toll bell -
  • Flame On pouring pitch -
  • More Power spell cast -
  • Sharp Eye "Gotcha" -

All other sounds were pulled from MAGIX Music Maker Medieval FX soundpool.


  • Game instructions - Harmony
  • Blacksmith - Smaug
  • Dave the Royal Trainer - Graham Growat
  • Archangel Lovinity - Arelyel Krele, using RVC AI voice model "March 7th"

3D Objects

  • Lantern -
  • Dragons - (colors modified with GIMP)
  • Bow and Arrow -


  • Light Inserts - Modified from Orbital Pinball Framework
  • VPin Workshop decal on flippers - VPin Workshop
  • Apron - Arelyel Krele
  • Medieval Border (for wizard modes) -
  • Combo Shots background image (food) -,_mozzarella_sticks,_honey-bbq_buffalo_wings_and_chicken_quesadilla)_at_the_Applebee%27s_in_Fair_Lakes,_Fairfax_County,_Virginia.jpg
  • TRAIN mode accuracy DMD background -

 All other images - Stable Diffusion AI with the Anything 4.5 model

Videos / DMD Animation Frames

  • TV static in Glitch Mini Wizard intro -


See the table script for contributors / authors of specific code libraries.