
Leaderboards are powered by Scorbit. To get started, follow these instructions:

  • Follow the download instructions:
    • Install at minimum both Visual Pinball and PinUp; Pinup is required to use Scorbit which is the platform that runs these leaderboards. It is highly recommended to use the PinUp Popper Baller Installer.
    • Download both the table and the PinUp pack.
  • Download (for free) the Scorbit app to your mobile device
  • Create a free account
  • Add the Saving Wallden table to your venue
  • Enable PinUp in the table by going into the table script and changing usePUP to true.
  • Enable Scorbit in the table by going into the table script and changing ScorbitActive to 1.
  • Upon loading the table, a pairing QR code will display on PinUp. Scan this QR code with the Scorbit app.

That's it! From now on, so long as ScorbitActive is set to 1, every game will be synced to Scorbit. However, at the start of each game, players will need to claim their slot either by scanning the claim QR code that shows up on PinUp or by manually claiming their slot in the Scorbit app. That way, their scores will be attached to their Scorbit account / name.