Objective: Castle

The King and Queen of the town of Wallden live in a castle. But the castle is surrounded by three monsters. You need to secure the castle.

In this objective, you will learn how to fight through training sessions (modes) from Dave the Royal Trainer. Then, you will fight each of the three monsters to secure the castle.

The castle objective equates to the modes of the table. This is the most complex and potentially dangerous objective of the table and often takes the most time to complete. But it is usually the most rewarding regarding points.


This objective has 3 phases. In each phase, you must start / participate in 3 training sessions and then fight one of the mini-bosses guarding the castle.

Starting a Training Session

Spell "TRAIN" in normal game play via the bank of 5 standup targets (lights will be yellow) to light training for the right scoop. Then, shoot the right scoop (flashing yellow arrow) to start a training session.

When starting your first training session, Dave the Royal Trainer will give you a little lore as to what is happening and why you are here to be trained.

Here is a table outlining what happens in each phase:

  Spelling TRAIN Time given for each training session
Phase 1 Every standup sequentially lights one letter of TRAIN when hit regardless of which standup was hit. 30 seconds
Phase 2 Each standup lights their respective letter of TRAIN. 45 seconds
Phase 3 Standups must be hit / spelled sequentially from T down to N. 60 seconds
Bonus Phase (4) Each standup must be hit three times. A slow blink = first hit, fast blink = second hit, and steady on = third hit. 60 seconds and an instant TRAIN multiball

TRAIN multiball

Activating a power-up during a training session starts "TRAIN multiball" or adds another ball if it is already active. The remaining training time becomes your shield time (you also get an additional 10 seconds).

When in TRAIN multiball, training ends when you drain all but one ball instead of ending when the shield time runs out.

A Blessing and a Curse

Scoring 0 points in a training session is equal to not putting a worthwhile effort into your training. If you don't work hard, you don't build up the strength you need to do well in battle. Therefore, your drain damage increases by 3 HP.

However, if you score a certain amount of points or more in a training session, you can reduce your drain damage by up to 5 HP (Drain Damage cannot drop below 5 HP):

  • Phase 1: 10,000,000 points
  • Phase 2: 17,500,000 points
  • Phase 3: 25,000,000 points
  • Bonus phase: 40,000,000 points

List of Training Sessions

As a side note, these colors are generally (but not always) used for shots in modes representative of their function:

  • White - Trigger shot (extra step involved before you score points)
  • Red - Incorrect shot (when there are bad and good shots)
  • Orange - Big points shot
  • Amber - Points shot; moving / expiring
  • Yellow - Points shot; non-moving / non-expiring
  • Green - Correct shot (when there are bad and good shots), or "armed" shot
  • Light Blue - Add value shot
  • Blue - Add-a-shot shot
  • Purple - Add time shot

Below is a list of training sessions you might encounter and what to do.

Title Screenshot Lore Start of the Session Objectives Additional Notes
Accuracy Crossbows are one of the most effective long-range weapons if you are accurate with them.

Two of the standup targets in the captive ball are flashing yellow

The third standup in the captive ball is flashing orange

Yellow captive ball standups score 2,500,000 points

Orange captive ball standup scores 7,500,000 points

The standup target lit orange changes in a randomized order each time any standup in the captive ball is hit

Agility Can you catch the monster from behind and use your arms to choke them while holding an L in front of their face? Now that's what I call physical and emotional damage!

A shot is flashing amber

Shoot the flashing shot to choke the monster for 2,000,000 points (flashing shot will also change)

The shot which is flashing will change in a randomized order every 5 seconds

For ramps, orbits, and horseshoe... entering a flashing shot will add 2 seconds before it changes; this acts as a grace for completing the shot

Bombs Away Throw some explosives at the monster for big boom-boom!

The T, A, and N standup targets are flashing blue

One random shot is flashing yellow

Hit a flashing standup to throw an explosive / light another yellow shot

Shoot a flashing yellow shot to detonate an explosive for 1,250,000 points (also turns the shot off)

Booby Trap They don't know what to expect when you have booby trapped the battle field!

A random peg drop target is raised

Hit the peg drop to booby trap for 750,000 points (the drop will fall and a different drop will raise)

Boomerang A boomerang is an effective weapon to confuse your enemies. Can you train with one?

The ramps and orbits are flashing white.

Shoot any white ramp or orbit to throw the boomerang. The ramp and orbit on the opposite side of table will turn amber, and the other shots will turn off.

Shoot an amber shot quickly within 7 seconds to catch the boomerang and score 3,000,000 points. Shots will reset to ramps / orbits all having white.

Bunches of Punches You know what I like to serve for lunch more than anything? ...a frenzy of punches right to your face!

Pop bumpers are flashing

Hit the pop bumpers to score a punch to the face and 200,000 points per hit

An orbit is flashing to divert balls to the bumpers. The flashing orbit alternates every 7.5 seconds.

Dave Says Dave is testing your reactive and listening skills by playing a game of "Simon Says", except it's Dave doing the saying.

Two random shots are flashing yellow.

Shoot only the shot which Dave said to shoot. You will score 2,500,000 points if you do.

The two shots lit will change each time one is hit, and Dave will give a new command as to which one to shoot.

Shooting the wrong shot will cause all shots to turn off for 5 seconds as a penalty before resetting.

Detonate Explosions are fun! Let's blow up the monster by planting some synchronized explosives.

All shots except center hole are flashing white

Center hole is flashing orange

Monster is hiding behind one of the shots (except the hole)

Shoot a white shot to turn it green / arm it with an explosive

Shoot the center hole to detonate all armed explosives.

If the monster was behind a shot that you armed with an explosive, you score 10,000,000 points.

If you pay close attention, you can spot where the monster is located. The shot light will have a very slightly different blink pattern.

The monster changes shots on each detonation.

Distract and Attack Distract your opponent so they are more vulnerable when you go in for the kill!

Spinner is flashing blue

One shot is flashing amber for 15 seconds at the start of the mode

Shoot the spinner to distract; every 5 spins lights another shot amber for 15 seconds (or adds 15 seconds to an existing one)

Shoot a flashing amber shot to go in for the attack for 1,500,000 points (shot stays lit until its time runs out)

Due to the complexity of this mode (every shot has to run on its own timer), shots do not respect graces in this mode.

Flame On! Are you good with fire? Are you good with Pitch? Then this battle is about to be lit!

4 random shots are flashing green

4 other random shots are flashing orange

First, shoot a green shot to pour flammable Pitch (turns the shot off)

Then, shoot an orange shot to light a fire for 2,000,000 points (turns the shot off)

Start 4 fires (shoot all 8 shots) to re-light everything and score a bonus 4,000,000 points

You must shoot a green shot (pour Pitch) before you can shoot an orange shot (start a fire)

You can shoot multiple consecutive green shots; this allows you to shoot the same number of consecutive orange shots

Bottom line, you can shoot more green shots than orange ones, but you cannot shoot more orange shots than green ones

Grab Those Weapons! There are weapons scattered about everywhere around you. Use them to your advantage. Heck, anything can be a weapon if you are clever!

Orbits, ramps, horseshoe, captive ball, and scoop are flashing yellow

Shoot a flashing shot to grab and fire a weapon for 1,000,000 points (shot turns off)

Turn off all shots to re-light them and score a bonus 3,000,000 points

Kung-Fu Combos A master at martial arts, you must unlock the eye of the tiger within you and Kung-Fu the Kung Fu out of your enemies!

Ramps and orbits are flashing white

Shoot a ramp or orbit to turn them all amber for 5 seconds

Shoot another shot while they are amber to execute a Kung Fu Combo for 2,000,000 points

Shoot shots repeatedly and rapidly to keep the combo timer going and rack up the most points

Minesweeper Planting mines is the perfect recipe for disaster... for your foes!

Three random post drop targets are raised

Standup targets are flashing blue

Hit a post drop target to explode a mine for 500,000 points (the drop falls)

Hit the standup targets to raise another post drop

More Power I see you are resorting to spells for attacks now. Very well. Just make sure to charge up the energy for a more powerful attack!

Spinner is flashing light blue

A random shot is flashing yellow

Starting value is 1,000,000

Shoot the spinner to raise the value by 10% per spin (since it is a percentage, the more you spin, the greater the increase)

Shoot the flashing yellow shot to collect the value (resets the value back to 1,000,000 and changes which shot is lit)

The shot value will max out at 10,000,000.

Obstacles Be careful! There are objects scattered around that could trip you up as you try and attack your enemy.

A random shot is flashing yellow

Three random peg drop targets are raised to try and mess your shots up

Shoot the yellow shot to score 2,500,000 points (also changes which shot is lit)

The raised peg drop targets change every 5 seconds

Precision Don't hit a horse while it's dead. So you might not want to hit the same parts of the body either. Practice your precision at hitting each part once.

Ramps, orbits, horseshoe, scoop, and captive ball are flashing green

Shoot a green shot to collect 250,000 points + 250,000 for every red shot that was lit at the time (the shot turns red afterwards)

Turn all the shots red to turn them back to green and collect a bonus 5,000,000 points

If you shoot a red shot, all shots reset back to green; don't hit the red shots!

Quick Fire Catch those monsters off guard by firing your weapon repeatedly and quickly.

Ramps, orbits, horseshoe, captive ball, and scoop are flashing

Value starts at 250,000 points

Shoot any shot to collect the value and then raise it by 250,000 (all shots remain lit)

Shoot those shots quickly! The value decreases by 4% every 0.5 seconds until it drops back to 250,000.

Scrambled Sometimes the effectiveness of an attack is just fate; trust your instincts and you won't be disappointed.

The spinner is flashing light blue

One random shot is flashing yellow

The value starts at 300,000 points

Shoot the flashing yellow shot to collect the value in points (changes the shot, but the value remains the same)

The spinner will add 300,000 points to the value, but once it reaches 3,000,000, the next spin resets it back to 300,000.

Sequential Punches Sometimes you gotta strike the face in a specific order to get the best chance for a knockout!

The game will announce three colors at the start of the session

Hit the colored pop bumpers in order according to the three colors mentioned when the session started. This scores a knockout for 4,000,000 points.

The display will indicate the necessary color order whenever a ball is in the pop bumpers in case you forgot

Sharp Eye You need a sharp eye to spot the hidden monster and go in for the kill!

All shots are flashing white

One random shot will flash orange, but only for a fraction of a second before turning white (you will also hear an audio queue)

Shoot the shot that flashed orange to score 3,000,000 points (monster stays in the same location until it is time to move)

Every 10 seconds, the monster moves and a different shot will flash orange for a fraction of a second (with an audio queue) before turning white again

Sneak Attack Wait for the perfect opportunity before attacking, but don't wait too long or the opportunity will pass.

All shots are flashing either white, blue, yellow, or red

White shots score 250,000 points each

Blue shots score 500,000 points each

Yellow shots score 1,000,000 points each

Red shots score 2,500,000 points each

Shots will progress through the color sequence of white, blue, yellow, red, back to white, throughout the session

The closer to red a shot gets, the faster it will transition to the next color; it stays on red the shortest amount of time. So be quick when making your shots!

Stealth Be vewy vewy qwuiet. I'm hunting monstas.

GI goes dark, except inlanes which flash red

A value is displayed starting at 15,000,000

Don't hit any switches

Don't make any shots

Don't flip your flippers

Don't drain your balls even when a shield is active

Whenever you do anything you aren't supposed to do, the value QUICKLY decreases. So the more things you do, the less points you'll get.

You collect the value, and it resets to 15,000,000, every 14.9 seconds.

The inlane GI lights will flash faster according to how much time is left until you collect the current value.

You can only do live-flips in this mode; flippers will go back down automatically once they fully extend out

Supercharged Your weapon is great. But it would be even better if it was... supercharged!

Spinner is flashing yellow

Two random shots are flashing light blue

The spinner scores 50,000 points per spin when yellow

Shoot a light blue shot to supercharge and turn the spinner orange for 5 seconds (if time is left, 5 seconds is added on the remaining time)

An orange spinner scores 250,000 points per spin

Two-handed Boomerang So you can handle a boomerang. But can you attack with two of them?

The orbits and ramps are flashing white

Shooting an orbit or ramp lights the shot red and its opposite side of the orbit/ramp green

Shoot the opposite side (green) to boomerang the dagger for 2,500,000 points (resets the orbits or ramps to white)

Shooting the red side of the orbit / ramp is a failed boomerang attempt and resets the orbits or ramps back to white

Wind And Punch You know how boxers sometimes swing their arm in a quick repeated circular motion before coming in for an excruciating blow? Yeah, do that.

A random shot is flashing red

Another random shot is flashing green

A third random shot is flashing blue

Shoot a flashing shot to light the corresponding colored pop bumper for 10 seconds

Flashing pop bumpers score 300,000 points per hit

Both orbits divert balls to the pop bumpers during the training

Starting a Mini Boss Battle

After completing 3 training sessions in a phase, the standup lights will be red instead of yellow to indicate you are now progressing towards a mini boss battle. Hit the standups as you would to light a training session. After completing them, the right scoop will light red to start a mini boss battle.

Mini Boss Battles

When you start a mini boss battle, you will have a ballsave / shield equal to (2 * armor class) seconds.

During a mini boss battle, you will use one of the three attacks you learned during the training sessions in that phase, and follow the same instructions as that training session to deal damage to the monster. You will choose which attack you wish to use at the start of the battle.

The monster you fight will have a number of HP depending on the phase.

And finally, you will battle with a number of balls depending on the phase; you will keep all balls in play for the duration of the battle, even if you drain them (but you will take the drain damage specified if you do not have a shield).

All of this is outlined in the below table:
Phase Points Required to Defeat Monster Drain Damage During Battle Balls in Play
1 20,000,000 (1 HP = 500,000)
  • Zen and Easy: 1 HP
  • Normal: 1 HP
  • Hard and Impossible: 2 HP
2 40,000,000 (1 HP = 500,000)
  • Zen and Easy: 1 HP
  • Normal: 2 HP
  • Hard and Impossible: 3 HP
3 60,000,000 (1 HP = 500,000)
  • Zen and Easy: 2 HP
  • Normal: 3 HP
  • Hard and Impossible: 4 HP

Player and Monster Health

During the battle, the mini boss may launch attacks to try and distract you or make you lose your balls. They can include but are not limited to table shakes, flipper shakes, flipper freezes, flipper reversals, flashing the big bright flashers, or playing an obnoxiously loud and annoying sound.

Remember that you can heal HP during the battle via the 3 "+HP" drop target bank, and you can activate a ballsave / shield equal to 2 * armor class seconds by spelling BLACKSMITH.

When you defeat the monster, the mini boss battle multiball ends, you score the points earned from your attack during the battle, and you move to the next phase of the objective.

Objective Completion

After completing phase 3, you are prompted on what you want to do with the three defeated monsters. You can either spare/humble them and attempt to gain them as allies, or kill them.


After Objective Completion

After completing the Castle objective, you enter the bonus phase (phase 4). You can continue training to improve your skills. Every additional training session you start in the bonus phase will award you 8 HP in the Potion Motion Mini-Wizard.